Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Tips 4,5 and 6...how to get your health and fitness regime back on track

Hello friends.....

A couple of days ago we started to look at ways to overcome "Procrastination"...the arch enemy of success...the excuses that keep us out of our favorite jeans and see us snuggled up on the couch in front of the TV set eating Tim Tams.

Time for some more Procrastination busters...here's tips 4-6

4. Get a Personal Trainer. A personal trainer is an even more committed version of the exercise buddy. A personal trainer is an appointment in your diary, that in some cases you will have to pay for even if you miss the session… this can be a great incentive to make sure you turn up! The advantage of a personal trainer is that you don’t need to think of the exercises yourself and you are more likely to train harder than if you were doing it on your own.

5. Document Your Progress. This is a great way to stay motivated. If you regularly review your progress and can easily see your improvements, you’ll be motivated to keep going.

6. Reward yourself regularly. Bribes work with kids… why not you? If you make the bribe good enough, you’d be surprised what you might do. Try getting a group of friends together with similar fitness goals and “pool together” for a super prize! Or buy yourself some new clothes whenever you reach a weight loss goal…Whatever works.

I hope this helps....don't forget to share my blog with as many friends as you can.

Back tomorrow with 3 more tips.


Personal Trainer Gold Coast


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