Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Is your body in drought? - time to turn on your "Health Tap"

Hello again..it's me ...Liz.

Here in the South East Of Queensland, Australia, we are have a serious water supply issue. 4 minute showers and dead lawns and gardens are the order of the day.

And while most of our country is in drought, there is no reason for our bodies to be in drought.

A misconception many of us have is that we only need to drink water when we're thirsty...and that we just need to top up like we add fuel to our cars. Keep in mind, this isn't the most reliable gauge of the amount of water your body really needs.
By the time you get thirsty, you've already lost around 2 glasses of water. My Advice, don't wait until your thirsty before you drink water.

Whenever you hit the gym, go for a walk or run, you'll need to increase your water intake. Perspiration causes your body to lose a lot of water....So take a 600 -700 ml water bottle, fill it up before you exercise and make sure you're constantly drinking from it throughout your session...Your Goal - you want it to be empty when you finish.

A good habit that I like to get all my clients into is to constantly sip water throughout the day. I get them to take that same water bottle that they take to the gym - to work with them....sip, sip, sip...the more you sip the quicker the bottle empties and the less it'll feel like a chore.

The sad facts of our lives today is that allot of us replace water with other beverages like diet soft drinks, coffee and alcohol. If you are one of these people who likes to partake in the odd soft drink...try replacing just one can a day with a glass of water...It'll be so much more beneficial for your health....and you'll be really amazed at how after drinking the water takes away the craving you had for the soft drink.

Replenish the nutrients your body needs with water and you'll not only see the improvements in your body, you'll feel them too.

Get drinking and good luck with all your fitness goals.


Personal Trainer Gold Coast
Diabetes fitness programs

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